Today’s quick hits, Dec. 17, 2019

An influx of CAFOs (South Dakota News Watch): South Dakota has seen an increase in the number of CAFOs, or large livestock farms, operating in the state. Many of the new farms are hog confinements.

BLM deadline approaches (Daily Yonder): Employees at the Bureau of Land Management in Washington, D.C., face a deadline this week to decide whether to move out West or find new work, as the agency moves forward with a controversial relocation plan.

Meat inspectors decry pork plan (NBC News): Two USDA meat inspectors have filed whistleblower disclosure forms over a change in inspection systems that they say will result in unsafe pork being sold to consumers.

California coastal waters turn acid (Los Angeles Times): NOAA researchers say sea water off the California coast is acidifying twice as fast as the global average and threatening major fisheries.

A GOP House candidate favors impeachment (Minneapolis Star Tribune): U.S. Rep. Angie Craig, an Agriculture Committee Democrat representing the swing district in the southern Twin Cities suburbs, said she will vote to impeach President Trump. The lone Republican so far running against her said he favors impeachment too.

Where do Christmas trees come from? (Washington Post): Tree farms in all 50 states produce the conifers that currently populate many living rooms, with the biggest hot spots in Oregon and North Carolina.


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