Today’s quick hits, August 5, 2020

Add the word ‘ethanol’: Biofuels backer Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa said one additional word is needed — “ethanol,” — in the proposal by Senate Republicans to give USDA $20 billion in coronavirus funds to be sure the sector gets federal aid during the pandemic. (FERN’s Ag Insider)

Judge backs SNAP in Puerto Rico: A federal judge ruled it was unconstitutional discrimination to deny Puerto Ricans access to SNAP and two welfare programs; since 1981, Puerto Rico has been given a block grant for nutrition assistance. (Associated Press)

Trump signs recreation bill: The Great American Outdoors Act, signed into law by President Trump, will devote funding to a maintenance backlog at national parks and other public lands as well as provide money for land acquisition. (White House)

USDA slights small, minority farmers: Nineteen House Democrats signed a letter to Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue saying USDA’s coronavirus aid programs ” have largely overlooked small farms, and those that are owned by beginning, veteran, minority, and socially disadvantaged farmers.” (Rep. Marcia Fudge)

Report says Bishop misused funds: Georgia Rep. Sanford Bishop, chairman of the House subcommittee that oversees USDA and FDA spending, used taxpayer funds to pay for holiday parties for his staff, says a nonpartisan report that is being reviewed by the House Ethics Committee to determine whether Bishop broke congressional rules of federal law. (Atlanta Journal Constitution)

Roundup costs Bayer billions: German chemical and pharmaceutical giant Bayer reported a net loss of $11 billion in the second quarter of this year due to special items for litigation, including its proposal to settle lawsuits against its Roundup herbicide for $10.9 billion. (Wall Street Journal)

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