Today’s quick hits, August 25, 2023

China praises GMO crops: Although it does not allow the commercial growing of genetically modified crops, China’s agriculture ministry reported “outstanding” results in pest and weed control as well as higher yields per acre during large-scale tests of GMO corn and soybeans. (Reuters)

Biofuels group criticizes EPA panel: The EPA’s Science Advisory Board is wrong to question the greenhouse gas reductions achieved by using ethanol instead of gasoline, said the Renewable Fuels Association. (RFA)

Guns, booze, rural youth: Rural adolescents who drink heavily have a markedly higher probability of carrying a handgun in the following year, an association that persists into young adulthood, said researchers at the University of Washington medical school. (Newswise)

Japan’s disappearing fish: As ocean temperatures rise, some fish species traditionally caught off the southern shores of Japan are reappearing in northern waters and other species are moving into cooler waters beyond the reach of fishing boats. (Los Angeles Times)

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