Today’s quick hits, Aug. 7, 2020

House Ag panelist positive for Covid-19: Illinois Republican Rodney Davis, a member of the House Agriculture Committee, is the third representative to test positive for Covid-19 this week. (Rep. Davis)

‘Murder hornet’ genome is released: USDA researchers released the first complete genome of the largest wasp in the world, the Asian giant hornet — also called the murder hornet — part of a response to sightings of the invasive insect in the U.S. Northwest. (Agricultural Research Service)

World food prices rise again: The FAO Food Price Index is up for the second month in a row, propelled by higher vegetable oil, dairy, and sugar prices, and is now 1 point higher than it was a year ago. (UN Food and Agriculture Organization)

Farmers amp up on solar power: An increasing number of farmers in Missouri are seeking USDA grants to install solar panels on their farms. One farmer said he had reduced his electricity bill by two-thirds. (Harvest Public Media)

Oaxaca bans junk food, sugary drinks for kids: Legislators in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca have banned the sale of junk food and sugary drinks to minors. A sponsor of the bill said Oaxaca has the highest rate of child obesity in the country. (Mexico News Daily)

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