Today’s quick hits, April 9, 2019

Who wants supply management for dairy? (FERN’s Ag Insider): Supply management is a popular idea among farm activists for resolving the spate of low dairy prices but lawmakers are not persuaded, said president Roger Johnson of the National Farmers Union. “That’s not going to happen unless the demand comes from the countryside,” Johnson told the North American Agricultural Journalists.

USDA slams Washington Post report (USDA): In a rare step for a federal agency, the Food Safety and Inspection Service said the Washington Post presented a one-sided and unfair explanation of a new inspection system for hog slaughter plants based on “the talking points of special interest groups.”

Say ‘glyphosate-free’ and charge more (The Hagstrom Report): Seattle research company Hartman Group says “glyphosate-free” is one of four food descriptors that food companies can use in charging higher prices for their products.

Iowa flood losses may hit $2 billion (IFB): Economists at the Iowa Farm Bureau say the state may record $2 billion or more in damages from this spring’s flood in clean-up, delayed or prevented planting of some fields, and damaged roads and bridges.

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