Today’s quick hits, April 30, 2024

Lucas, No. 1 on Financial Services?: Oklahoma Rep. Frank Lucas, a former chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, is part of a four-way race to become the top-ranking Republican on the House Financial Services Committee. (Roll Call)

U.S.-grown truffles: Truffles are a gourmet crop associated with Europe, but there are more than 200 U.S. truffle orchards and a growing volume of production; one grower says slow-growing truffles are “definitely for patient people.” (Ambrook)

USDA strengthens ‘soring’ rule: The USDA said it would take over inspection duties at Tennessee Walking Horse shows and ban all devices, practices, methods, and substances that can cause soring as part of an effort to end artificial exaggeration of the horse’s high gait. (APHIS)

General Mills mulls yogurt sale: General Mills is exploring the sale of its North American yogurt business, which includes the Yoplait brand, potentially for more than $2 billion. (Minneapolis Star Tribune)

World wine production dwindles: Global wine production during 2023 was the smallest since 1962, with output in Europe falling by 10 percent, said a 50-nation organization that represents 75 percent of the world’s vineyard area. (Euronews)

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