Today’s quick hits, April 3, 2020

Food banks need $1.4 billion (Food Bank News): Feeding America, an anti-hunger group, said U.S. food banks will need $1.4 billion in additional resources over the next six months because of a rising demand for assistance, fewer donations from foodmakers and grocers, and a steep drop in volunteers.

Too much milk (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel): Some large Wisconsin dairy farms are pouring thousands of gallons of milk down the drain daily because the closure of schools, restaurants, and food service companies has changed consumption patterns for dairy products.

Food left to rot in the field (Miami Herald): Millions of pounds of fresh produce “will soon be left to die on the vine” because of the shutdown of the hospitality industry — restaurants, cruise ships, schools, airlines, and theme parks — as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

Grain flows despite pandemic (World Grain): Grain shipments continue across the globe, including larger U.S. exports to China, with ports largely operational despite the coronavirus pandemic, said the U.S. Grains Council.

Covid-19 concerns spark urban homesteading (Salon): A scroll through social media shows an upsurge in canning, gardening, baking, and making jams and jellies — possibly an outlet for stay-at-homers or a way to shore up the food supply.

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