Today’s quick hits, April 1, 2019

Delaney announces rural plan (Des Moines Register): Presidential hopeful John Delaney released his plan for rural America, including enforcing antitrust laws in the agriculture sector and encouraging people to work and live in small towns.

Bipartisan support for checkoff bill (Drovers): Sens. Mike Lee, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, and Rand Paul co-sponsored a bill to reform the national checkoff program.

No more faux-‘meat’ in AK (Quartz): Arkansas became the sixth state to pass a law prohibiting the use of the word “meat” to describe cell-cultured and plant-based animal product alternatives.

Midwest floods hit Pine Ridge hard (New Food Economy): Residents of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in southern South Dakota are struggling to recover from the flooding caused by the Midwest’s “bomb cyclone.”

Bayer stocks fall (Mother Jones): Shares of Bayer, the owner of Monsanto, have fallen 25 percent in the past two weeks, coinciding with another court victory for a plaintiff claiming that exposure to Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide caused his cancer.

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