Timing of tax ‘extenders’ bill uncertain, says Senate leader

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says he wants to enact a tax “extenders” bill in a timely way, but did not suggest a likely course of action during a news conference, reports Agri-Pulse. “We’re going to do an extender package. I hope we don’t do it at the end of the year like we did last year because taxpayers then end up going through the whole tax year not knowing the tax implications of the decisions they’re making,” McConnell told reporters. The Senate Finance Committee has approved a bill to revive four-dozen tax breaks, including the Section 179 business expensing provision, the $1-a-gallon biodiesel tax credit, and tax incentives for wind and solar energy.

House Republican leaders say they might wrap the extenders package into a tax reform bill or a long-term highway bill. McConnell would prefer the tax issue be kept separate from the highway bill.

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