Stronger tools for enforcing U.S. organic standards

The USDA gained “a significant increase” in its power to prevent fraud and protect the integrity of the National Organic Program with the publication of the Strengthening Organic Enforcement rule, said Agriculture Undersecretary Jenny Moffitt on Wednesday. The rule, which takes effect in March 2024, is the greatest change in the organic program since its creation three decades ago.

“This success is another demonstration that USDA fully stands behind the organic brand,” said Moffitt. The USDA said the rule improves farm to market traceability and increases oversight of imported products. More businesses, including brokers and traders, will be required to hold certificates to deal in organics.

The Organic Trade Association said the rule “closes gaps in current organic regulations and builds consistent certification practices to prevent fraud and improve the transparency and traceability of organic products.”

To read the final rule, click here.

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