The Senate version of the USDA/FDA funding bill includes language that would restrict the new edition of the Dietary Guidelines to solely nutritional and dietary matters. The language, which has been attached to other bills, would keep the government from considering factors such as the sustainability of food production. An advisory committee of experts suggested the government take the future of food production into account when making recommendations for healthful diets today. Farm groups say that is an attack on meat consumption.
The bill is to be considered by the Senate Appropriations Committee on Thursday at 10:30 a.m. ET. It was approved by a subcommittee by voice vote during a brief meeting on Tuesday.
Overall, the bill provides $143.9 billion for USDA, FDA and related agencies, $24 billion less than requested by the White House. The House version, approved last week by its Appropriations Committee, provides the same amount of money as the Senate bill and includes a rider to restrict the Dietary Guidelines “to only matters of diet and nutrient intake.” The government updates the guidelines every five years.