Self-pollinating almond trees do away with bees

California farmers are turning to a new variety of self-pollinating almond tree, says NPR. With Independence almond trees, farmers don’t have to hire commercial beehives, which can cost about $180 per season, to pollinate their orchards. But what sounds good to farmers, has beekeepers divided. Some worry that their profits will start to fall, while others, like Gene Brandi of the American Beekeeping Federation, point out that with Colony Collapse Disorder killing off 40 percent of the honeybee population in the West, Independence almond trees could have an important role to play.

“I know how difficult it has been for our industry to supply the bees that are needed,” Brandi told NPR, hopeful that Independence trees might relieve some of the pressure. The species is also easier to harvest compared to older varieties. But as the new tree in the orchard, it remains to be seen how it will endure climate change and other stresses—a fact not lost on veteran growers.

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