Salt warnings will stay on menus in New York City

A state appeals court upheld New York City’s requirement for chain restaurants to alert diners to foods that contain more than the recommended daily dose of salt, about one teaspoonful, said The Associated Press. The National Restaurant Association said it was considering its next move on the regulation.

Many restaurants already are using the warning, a black triangle surrounding a white salt shaker. The requirement applies to chains with at least 15 outlets in the country. Those chains do one-third of the restaurant business in the city and health officials estimate that 10 percent of their menu items qualify for the warning, said the AP.

Mayor Bill de Blasio said the court made “a common-sense ruling.” The restaurant trade group argued that the regulation exceeded the authority of the city Board of Health and noted federal guidelines on salt are voluntary and that it was unclear if the Trump administration would make them final, said AP.

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