Republicans block House passage of disaster bill for second time

For the second time in four days, a conservative Republican prevented House passage on Tuesday of the long-delayed $19.1 billion disaster bill that includes $3 billion for agricultural relief. The next opportunity to act on the bill will be Thursday, when the House meets again in a lightly attended pro forma session.

Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie objected when Rep. Sanford Bishop, a Georgia Democrat, asked to pass the disaster bill by unanimous consent and send it to the White House for enactment. Taking a cue from Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, Massie said Speaker Nancy Pelosi should have held a roll call vote on the bill. Senators broke a five-month stalemate over the bill and passed it last Thursday, when many representatives already were out of town for the Memorial Day holiday.

“Millions of people are at risk,” said Majority Leader Steny Hoyer. “I urge my friends on the other side of the aisle not to object.”

Bishop twice asked for unanimous consent and Massie objected each time. On Friday, Rep. Chip Roy, Texas Republican, objected when Rep. Donna Shalala, Florida Democrat, asked for unanimous consent. Because a single objection prevents unanimous consent among the lawmakers on hand, the disaster bill remained in the House.

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