Today’s quick hits, Nov. 1, 2022

Friday fish fries lower CO2: Cambridge University researchers found that if the Pope reinstated meatless Fridays across the global church, it could mitigate millions of tonnes of greenhouse gases annually (

Lula victory boosts environment: Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, the winner of Brazil’s presidential election, has vowed to reduce deforestation of the Amazon and to combat climate change, a change in course from the policies of the incumbent Jair Bolsanaro. (CNBC)

Britain orders birds indoors: With the nation facing its largest-ever outbreak of bird flu, Britain’s chief veterinary officer ordered owners to keep all poultry and captive birds indoors for one week, beginning on Nov. 7, and to practice “scrupulous biosecurity.” (Sky News)

Expand meat processing capacity: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack was expected to announce funding on Wednesday in Omaha to expand meat and poultry processing capacity in 18 states. (FERN’s Ag Insider)

Bacon 24/7 in Vegas: The new restaurant Bacon Nation, open all day, every day, in Las Vegas offers 13 “gourmet bacon varietals” and items such as the Reverse BLT, in which woven bacon replaces the bread. (National Hog Farmer)

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