Pig blood in feed is unlikely to spread deadly hog disease

The World Organization for Animal Health says pig blood products are unlikely to spread the deadly Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus when used as a feed ingredient. The research rebutted concerns the disease could be spread through pig rations. PEDv has killed 8 million piglets since the disease was confirmed in the United States in mid-2013. As a result, the supply of market pigs is smaller than expected, pork production is lower and prices in the grocery store are higher.

In a fact sheet, the animal health group known by its French abbreviation OIE said PEDv is spread through oral ingestion of contamined materials, particularly feces. Prevention and control are based on strict biosecurity and early detection. “Contaminated pig blood products, such as spray-dried plasma, that are incorporated into rations for feeding piglets have been suspected as a possible means to spread the virus. However, multiple experimental studies suggested that spray-dried porcine plasma is not a likely source of infectious virus provided that good manufacturing practices and biosecurity standards are followed,” it said.

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