Petition asks for food stamps for pets

From its start, the food stamp program’s goal was to help poor people buy groceries for themselves and their households. Now a 59-year-old man from Mississippi, Edward Johnston, is petitioning the USDA to let him use food stamps to buy kibble and pet treats, reports the Washington Post.

“The petition has little chance of succeeding, experts say, given the political and logistical challenges of changing food stamps, otherwise known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program,” said the Post. All the same, the idea attracted nearly 84,000 backers, some from overseas, of an online petition, in which Johnston asks, “Should someone be forced to give up a pet they’ve had for years just because they hit a financial rough patch? Or should they be able to utilize federal aid to continue feeding their pet?”

Animal welfare groups say Johnston personifies a problem that confronts many poor people. Some share their food with their pets, which can deprive them of much-need nutrition. “The problems are real, but food stamp experts say it’s unclear whether changing SNAP should be part of the solution,” said the Post. Congress would have to change the law to allow food stamps to be used for pets. Meanwhile, some charities are providing pet food for distribution at food banks.

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