Jackson County may be a harbinger for the debate statewide if a GMO labeling referendum is approved for the November ballot, says the Oregonian. One farmer quoted in the story questions if there is a way for GMO and non-GMO growers to co-exist.
Passage of a referendum that bans GMO crops in Jackson County, Ore, “deepened a cultural chasm in the greater Rogue Valley” over the direction of agriculture, says the Portland Oregonian. Opponents say the ban threatens their livelihoods and blame newcomer organic farmers. Bruce Schulz says he’ll have to plow under alfalfa and lose 30 percent of his income. Elise Higley, an organic farmer, says the ban will benefit family farmers.
Jackson County may be a harbinger for the debate statewide if a GMO labeling referendum is approved for the November ballot, says the Oregonian. One farmer quoted in the story questions if there is a way for GMO and non-GMO growers to co-exist.