Pre-blended E15 heads to gasoline retailers

In a step the ethanol industry called a game changer, HRWT Oil Co. said it will sell pre-blended E15 at four fuel terminals in the Midwest and Mid-South. Gasoline stations have been slow to offer E15 despite EPA approval, partly because of difficulties in acquiring and dispensing the fuel.

The Renewable Fuels Association said the HRWT announcement “can help expand the market for E15 almost overnight.” The traditional ethanol blend in gasoline in 10 percent. The RFA said many retailers cannot buy E15 from distributors and must dilute E85 on their own if they want to stock E15. “After four years in the marketplace, E15 has just found prime time,” said the RFA.

Larger sales of E15 are “considered to be an important component of breaking through the so-called blend wall,” said DTN, referring to saturation of the gasoline market at the traditional 10 percent blend rate. “In addition, E15 expansion could create additional demand for U.S. corn.” Roughly 37 percent of the U.S. corn crop is used in making ethanol.

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