More canola and soybeans planted than wheat in Canada

Canadian growers reduced their wheat sowings by 7 percent from 2013 and put more land into canola and soybeans, says Stats Canada. Together, the two oilseeds will cover more area than wheat – 25.8 million acres vs 24.1 million acres of wheat. Canada is one of the world’s largest wheat growers and exporters. Wheat plantings were smaller than traders expected while canola and soybeans were larger, said World Grain.

Stats Canada said growers would plant 20.2 million acres of canola, up 2 percent from 2013, and a record 5.6 million acres of soybeans, up 24 percent. It would be the sixth year in a row of record soybean seedings. And for the second time in three years, acreage for the oilseeds exceeded wheat sowings.

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