A century ago, Los Angeles County was the top agricultural county in the country, say the authors of newly published “From Cows to Concrete.” The county is unlikely to return to that volume of production but the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to reduce property taxes by up to $15,000 for owners who convert vacant lots in unincorporated parts of the county to agricultural use, says the news site MyNewsLA. “Proponents said it would enhance access to fresh produce in neighborhoods with few healthy food choices.”
Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas, who backed the idea of an agricultural zone, said there are up to 8,000 parcels that may be eligible for conversion to food production and qualify for the lower taxes. A 2014 state law allows counties to set up urban agriculture incentive zones. The Los Angeles Food Policy Council, a network of food groups, said it anticipates that many growers and property owners will take advantage of the tax break. Property owners with parcels of three acres or less can lease or use the land themselves for agricultural purposes for three years to earn the lower tax rate, set at the average tax rate for irrigated cropland statewide.
Rachel Surls, co-author of “From Cows to Concrete,” says Los Angeles County was “the largest, most bountiful agricultural county in the United States” from 1909-49, when rapid urbanization began. In an interview with UC Food Observer, Surls said, “There are many things going on today that echo what was happening decades ago, or even more than a century ago.” The modern-day backyard beehives and chicken coops parallel the county’s early days.
“Urban farmers today – like the small farm home folks of the past – are also often beginners,” said Surls, who specializes in urban agriculture for the University of California Cooperative Extension. “It’s not easy, there are regulations to follow and you really need technical skills and practical knowledge. This has reinforced my belief that urban agriculture has enormous potential if viewed as a community amenity and source of supplemental income. Technical support is essential to make it a reality for people.”