Long appointed FNS administrator

The Biden administration appointed Cindy Long as administrator of the Food and Nutrition Service on Monday, a position she has held on an acting basis since early January. Also appointed to USDA posts were Claudette Fernandez as director of program equity and opportunity strategy and Félix Muñiz as legislative adviser in the Office of Congressional Relations.

“As we continue our efforts to feed the hungry, advance equity through our programs and investments, and work in partnership with Congress to best serve our country, the experience and dedication Cindy, Claudette, and Félix bring to these roles will only further the good work underway at USDA,” said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.

The Food and Nutrition Service oversees SNAP, WIC, school lunch, and other public nutrition programs that together account for three-fourths of USDA spending. Long has extensive experience at the FNS, including serving as the deputy administrator in charge of implementing the 2010 reforms of child nutrition programs.

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