Immigration reformers put pressure on No 3 House leader

Agriculture Secretary Vilsack and two California agriculture leaders called on the Republican-controlled House to vote soon on immigration reform. Vilsack, who said he was confident a reform bill would pass, said Republican leaders should “do what leaders are supposed to do. Bring it up for a vote and get something passed,” so negotiations could begin with the Senate on a compromise to send to the White House.

President Arturo Rodriquez of the United Farm Workers union and Manuel Canhu, president of the Nisei Farmers League, mentioned assistant House majority leader Kevin McCarthy by name in pressing for a vote. McCarthy represents a district in the San Joaquin Valley. “All we’re asking is they schedule a vote,” said Rodriguez. Canhu said, “We’ve got to get something done by June…We need his (McCarthy’s) help to get this done.”

It was the second time in a week Vilsack held a teleconference on immigration reform. The Senate passed a comprehensive reform bill a year ago, including legalization of undocumented workers and a special path to citizenship for workers who stay in agricultural jobs. An estimated two-thirds of farm workers are not legally in the country.

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