House Budget chairman Paul Ryan will propose converting food stamps into a block grant program for the states to run, Roll Call says in a preview of Ryan’s budget resolution for fiscal 2015. Separately, it says the committee will hold a drafting session on Wednesday with the Ryan plan to be released today. To visit the Budget Committee Web site, click here.
“The House budget resolution that has served as a manifesto of Republican Party principles in the past three years is about to get still more conservative,” said Roll Call. “That could take the form of deeper cuts to Medicaid, which would be converted to a block grant program in the House budget, or from speeding up the conversion of food stamps into a block grant program. Last year’s budget sought 10-year savings of $810 billion from block granting Medicaid, $636 billion from canceling the Medicaid expansion in the health care overhaul…and $125 billion from block granting food stamps.”