House Ag member Davis has comfortable lead, says GOP poll


Rep Rodney Davis, narrowly elected in 2022, leads his Democratic challenger, Ann Callis, 55-39 with 7 percent undecided in his central Illinois district, said Roll Call, based on a poll conducted for the Davis campaign by Public Opinion Strategies. A House Agriculture Committee member, Davis is a vocal critic of new rules that require schools to serve healthier meals. He says the food is unpopular with students and costly for schools. Davis is a Democratic target; the Democratic congressional committee is scheduled to begin TV advertisements in the race on Sept 30, says Roll Call. There has been little polling in the race and Davis is favored to win, said Election Projection.

House Agriculture Committee member Vance McAllister, Louisiana Republican, is airing a 30-second TV ad in which his wife says, “I’m blessed I have a husband who owns up to his mistakes, never gives up, always fighting for the good people of Louisiana,” says Politico. Earlier this year, McAllister was caught on video kissing a staff worker.

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