The Clinton campaign loads up on Domino’s and Walmart groceries, while Trump staffers hit up Trump Grill and McDonald’s, says Eater. The site searched spending records from the Federal Elections Commission to find out how each presidential hopeful was feeding their staff.
Clinton often gives her campaign employees money to buy their own food. They go to places like Walmart, Target and Costco, which could be part of the reason that Trump actually spends more per staffer on food ($2,377, compared to Clinton’s $1,962). That said, Trump only has 70 campaign employees (not including volunteers). Clinton has 700.
It might behoove Clinton to be more picky about where her staff members eat, says Eater, since many of their favorite picks, like Jimmy John’s, are owned by wealthy CEOs who have donated thousands to the GOP. And Dunkin’ Donuts, where Clinton’s campaign has dropped $3,600, is part of a political action committee that has given $41,000 to Republicans. Trump has it a little easier when it comes to picking the next meal, since only two of America’s biggest restaurant chains are left-leaning: Starbucks and Chipotle.