The kiddos can now start their day off with a little McDonald’s happiness. The company will launch a breakfast-themed Happy Meal at 73 locations in the Tulsa, Oklahoma, region, with a choice between two McGriddles or an Egg & Cheese McMuffin sans the Canadian bacon.
“Their introduction is coming soon after the debut of an expanded all-day breakfast menu, which, since launching last October has proven to be a boon to McDonald’s flagging bottom line,” says USA Today. “As it competes with fast-casual rivals like Panera, the company has worked on burnishing the perception of both its customer service and menu, taking such steps as speeding up the time it takes to get an order at a drive-thru, and switching to the use of butter rather than margarine.”
Breakfast has become an all-day affair for Americans, and the breakfast happy meal will also be available morning to night. If young customers want, they can order fries with their breakfast Happy Meal later in the day.