Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture are up

The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization says greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture,  forestry and fisheries “have nearly doubled over the past 50 years and could increase an additional 30% by 2050,” says Feedstuffs. It says “while those emissions continue to increase, they are not growing as fast as emissions from fossil fuel use in other sectors” so agriculture’s share of greenhouse gases created by human activity is decreasing.

For the FAO summary and a link to its report, click here.

Meanwhile, the U.N. panel on climate change “warned that governments are not doing enough to avert profound risks in coming decades,” said the New York Times. In a report released in Berlin, the panel said there is still time to hold global warming to tolerable levels but an intensive push is vital over the next 15 years to reach the goal. The report said renewable energy, such as wind and solar power, is becoming practical.

“The report is likely to increase the pressure to secure an ambitious new global climate treaty that is supposed to be completed in late 2015 and take effect in 2020,” said the Times.

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