Greenhorns and old hands in buffalo roundup

Antelope Island, off the eastern shore of the Great Salt Lake, with Salt Lake City on the horizon, offers a rare opportunity for cowhands to herd wild bison, reports the New York Times. Participants are a mix of weathered ranchers and urbanites (who herd paperwork most of the year) who “spend a day on horseback chasing hundreds of bison toward corrals” in an annual roundup on a state park. Park rangers began the roundup in 1986 to give the bison vaccinations and to select some of the animals for sale so the herd did not overwhelm its range. “Weighing up to 2,000 pounds, bison look like bears but run more like gazelles, reaching speeds of 30 or even 40 miles an hour, and they will occasionally charge at agitators,” said the Times. Cattle roundups are far easier work, said longtime participant Chad Bywater. “These animals are wild and they don’t do exactly what you want them to.”

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