If FDA commissioner Robert Califf listens to outside advice, he would create a powerful post — deputy commissioner for food — as part of restructuring of the agency. Califf could unveil a “new vision” for the FDA — which has been criticized as a disorganized protecter of the food supply — as early as Tuesday. The common idea from lawmakers, the food industry and public health groups was to put one person in charge of FDA’s food offices.
“Establishing an empowered deputy commissioner position with direct line authority over all components of FDA’s human and animal foods program is foundational” to a successful reform, said a coalition of groups ranging from growers and foodmakers to public health, environment and public health groups. The person filling the job must have expertise in food safety with demonstrated leadership skills, said the coalition.
“Now is the time for real reform at FDA — it is not time for half measures or more excuses,” wrote Sen. Dick Durbin and Rep. Rosa DeLauro in a letter to Califf. They recommended the appointment of a deputy commissioner for food, a step that Califf could take, but also advocated the creation of new, independent Food Safety Administration to take over regulation of the food system.
“We understand that this change would require congressional action and would be difficult to accomplish in a divided Congress,” said the lawmakers. “However, FDA should take this recommendation to heart and begin undertaking meaningful steps to improve the Human Foods Program in the meantime.”