Europe poised to give glyphosate another chance

The European Commission will propose granting glyphosate — the world’s most common weedkiller and the key ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup — a 10-year renewal of its license. The commission had held off on making the proposal over controversy that the chemical was carcinogenic.

But “a new study issued in March by the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) paved the way for the Commission’s decision to restart negotiations with EU nations over renewing the license for glyphosate, despite opposition from environmental groups,” says Reuters. Last July, the commission granted an 18-month extension to glyphosate while it sorted through the scientific findings on its safety.

Many environmentalists and public-health advocates aren’t pleased with the announcement. “It makes no sense to accept the wide range of risks associated with glyphosate,” said Bart Staes, a Green member of the European Parliament

But some industry groups, like European Crop Protection, are also chagrinned that the renewal, if approved, would only last a decade.

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