EU watchdog says ‘neonic’ sprays pose risk to honeybees

The European Food Safety Authority says leaf spraying of neonicotinoid pesticides poses a risk to honeybees, “reinforcing previous research that led to EU restrictions,” reports Reuters. Due to previous research, the EU barred use of “neonics” as a seed treatment or as granules. The EFSA is conducting a two-year review of research on the pesticides, and has a Sept. 30 deadline for submission of relevant information. The European Commission, the administrative body of the EU, says it will evaluate the information as part of deciding its next step. Reuters quoted the EFSA as saying, “The protection of bees and the protection of pollinators is one of the essential elements that we consider in the risk assessment of pesticides.” The European Crop Protection Association, representing the pesticide industry, said the EFSA approach was flawed.

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