EU approves import of keenly watched U.S. GE soy variety

In a decision that removed a roadblock to adoption of a new genetically engineered soybean variety, the European Commission approved import of the Monsanto soybean that is resistant to two types of weedkillers, said Reuters. The soybean went on sale in the United States and Canada this year surrounded by questions about whether there was a market for it.

The EC also gave the greenlight to a GE soybean sold by Bayer CropScience, said Reuters. The EC, the administrative arm of the EU, acted because EU member states could not agree on whether to license them.

Called Roundup Ready 2 Xtend, the Monsanto soybeans tolerate spraying by both glyphosate, the most widely used herbicide in the world, and dicamba. Some weeds are developing resistance to glyphosate, so seed companies are developing seeds that withstand multiple types of weedkillers.

“The decision now clears the way for widespread planting next season and removes a hurdle for North American farmers and grain traders, who have to keep close track of unapproved biotech traits that can disrupt trade,” said Reuters. China approved the Monsanto variety earlier this year. Reuters said Monsanto expects the new soybean variety to be planted on 15 million acres next year and on 55 million acres by 2019. For comparison, U.S. farmers planted soybeans on 83.7 million acres this year.

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