EPA extended the comment period on its clean water rule known as “Waters of the United States” until Nov 14; a three-week extension. Some 217,134 comments were filed as of Monday. The additional time will allow the public to assess a peer review by EPA’s Science Advisory Board of a report on the connectivity of streams and wetlands. “EPA will not finalize the rule until it has fully reviewed the SAB peer review comments and finalized the scientific connectivity report,” said EPA in announcing the new deadline.
It was the second time EPA has extended the comment period. The original 90-day comment period ending on July 21 was extended for 90 days to Oct 20, which now is Nov 14. EPA says its proposed regulation will clarity the upstream reach of the Clean Water Act. Many far groups say it will intrude unduly on agricultural operations. The EPA Web page that summarizes the proposal and includes a link for comments is available here.