EPA announces it will scrap Clean Power Plan

The EPA intends to repeal the Clean Power Plan — an Obama-era effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. 32 percent below 2005 levels by 2030 — according to a document circulated within the agency’s Regulatory Screening Agency.

Conservative groups have called on the agency to completely scrap the plan and not develop a replacement. But the agency document said it would issue an “Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to solicit input as it considers ‘developing a rule similarly intended to reduce CO2 emissions from existing fossil fuel electric utility generating units,’” says Reuters.

The plan was designed as part of the U.S.’ commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement — a commitment which Trump has said he plans to cancel. However, fully removing the country from the treaty could take years, just as  negating the CPP will likely not happen quickly.

Currently, the CPP is suspended by the D.C. Circuit Court Order of Appeals, after 27 states filed suit when the plan was launched in 2015.

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