A series of emails obtained under the Freedom of Information Act paint an unflattering picture of the American Egg Board’s campaign against a startup plant-based food company. The Associated Press reported yesterday on the tactics employed by the Egg Board to stymie Hampton Creek for its eggless mayonnaise substitute, Just Mayo. They included paying food bloggers for favorable coverage and trying to dissuade Whole Foods from stocking Just Mayo.
A story in the Guardian contends that the board is worried about Hampton Creek’s swift growth. The San Francisco-based company generated $120 million in funding from heavyweight tech investors and recently signed a deal with Compass, the world’s largest catering company.
Complicating matters for the egg board is that it is a USDA-monitored agriculture checkoff that charges producers for promotional efforts. Food activist and lawyer Michele Simon, who posted the emails on her blog, writes that the board’s actions against a competitor could violate USDA guidelines.