Court tells EPA to decide on pesticide by Oct. 31

A U.S. appeals court ordered the EPA to decide by Oct. 31 on a nine-year-old petition by environmental groups to ban the organophosphate chlorpyrifos, said Agri-Pulse. In a ruling, the court told the agency to issue a regulation banning the neonicotinoid or otherwise issue a “full and final” response to the petition. If the EPA issues a proposed rule, it must spell out the timeline for final action, the court said. Agri-Pulse quoted the court as saying, “Although filibustering may be a venerable tradition in the United States Senate, it is frowned upon in administrative agencies tasked with protecting human health.” The EPA has said it would propose a rule by mid-April 2016 to essentially ban the insecticide, but complex proceedings would be involved.

Environmental groups say neonicotinoids are a factor in the decline of the honey bee population.

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