In February, the USDA proposed new standards for the number and variety of foods that retailers would have to stock if they want to be part of the food-stamp program. The goal is to give low-income Americans access of more healthy food sources. In a notice to be published in the Federal Register today, the USDA says “the average small store would need to add an additional 54 staple food items at a cost of around $140 in order to meet the proposed eligibility criteria.” The new inventory “would be a one-time cost, a cost that would be recouped as inventory is sold out.”
The department included the cost estimate as part of clarifying its February proposal and to announce a 30-day extension, to May 18, of the comment period on it. Under the proposal, stores would have to stock 168 items, calculated as seven varieties of qualifying foods in four staple-food groups as well as perishable items in at least three of the four groups, and a “depth of stock defined as six stocking units.” There have been objections the rule would be a burden on small stores and could push convenience stores out of the food-stamp program.
In the Federal Register, the USDA says it encourages additional comment, “including comment on the impacts [such as benefits, costs or small business impacts] associated with proposals that would alter the total food items that retailers would be required to stock.” The 2014 farm law required the USDA to expand the range of food available for purchase by food-stamp recipients.