Corn yields high in Indiana, variable in Nebraska

A spot-check of fields in northern Indiana and into northwestern Illinois as part of the annual Pro Farmer crop tour found that conditions, and yields, improved as the scouts drove westward, says DTN. The group calculated an average yield of 185 bushels an acre after 11 stops, 18 bushels an acre above 2013.

Corn prospects were extremely variable across Nebraska. Pro Farmer, the tour sponsor, said the state average was 167.8 bushels an acre, the best ever. Scouts reported widespread infestations of waterhemp in soybean fields. “I remember from last year that this is a growing problem in Nebraska but I under-estimated how quickly if would advance year over year,” said Jason Franck. The tour will issue an estimate of the U.S. corn and soybean crops on Thursday at the end of its seven-state travels.

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