Conaway selected as next House Agriculture chairman

House Republican leaders tapped Texas Rep Mike Conaway to become House Agriculture Committee chairman in January, succeeding Frank Lucas of Oklahoma, who has served the six-year maximum allowed by Republican rules. Conaway is a conservative from central Texas and currently is chairman of the House Ethics Committee. House Republicans are expected to meet today to ratify the choice of Conaway and 16 other men as their committee leaders.

Asked about his agenda, Conaway said in a statement, “I am proud to be a strong supporter of our farmers and ranchers. I want to do a thoughtful, thorough review of the food stamp program. I have led the effort to require cost-benefit analyses of new financial regulations and will work to include that in a reauthorization of the CEA (Commodity Exchange Act).” The San Angelo (Texas) Standard-Times said Conaway “”he intends to review the (food stamp) program “from soup to nuts.” Minnesota Rep Collin Peterson is expected to again be the top Democrat on the committee.

Last week, aides said Senate Agriculture Committee chairwoman Debbie Stabenow, who guided the 2014 farm bill to passage, would shift next year to become the top Democrat on the panel. Republicans will have the majority when the Senate organizes for its new session and Kansas Sen Pat Roberts says he will become Agriculture chairman.

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