Coalition opposes new weedkiller for GMO crops

A coalition of nine environmental and consumer groups says it submitted more than 500,000 comments in opposition to a Dow weedkiller that combines the herbicides glyphosate and 2,4-D. The Environmental Protection Agency says it hopes to make a final decision later this year, “perhaps by late summer or early fall,” on the Enlist Duo weedkiller. It tentatively has decided the herbicide is safe for use.

Opponents say the weedkiller, intended to be used with crops genetically modified to tolerate the herbicide, would do little to stop the evolution of superweeds. “The minimal benefits of this expanded use of 2,4-D will very quickly be outweighed by its myriad negative impacts,” says Food and Water Watch, one of the groups. The Environmental Working Group said 5,600 schools are within 200 feet of corn and soybeans fields where the new herbicide could be used.

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