Clinton supports biotech crops, gives image advice

Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton “expressed enthusiasm for biotech seeds” and suggested the industry should stress the benefits of the crops, such as drought resistance, rather than the umbrella description of genetically modified, according to DTN. It quoted her as saying, “‘Genetically modified’ sounds Frankensteinish – drought resistant sounds like something you’d want.” In a speech to the Biotechnology Industry Organization, Clinton said she promoted biotech crops as part of U.S. efforts to expand food security.

According to a San Diego television station, Clinton responded to a question about her stance on GMOs by saying, “I stand in favor of using seeds and products that have a proven track record, you say, and are scientifically provable to continue to try to make the case to those who are skeptical.”

Clinton was not asked about, nor did she offer, her view on whether GMO foods should be labeled, said DTN.

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