A UN-backed panel of experts, the International Panel on Climate Change, says climate change “is projected to undermine food security” from mid-century and beyond.
“For wheat, rice, and maize in tropical and temperate regions, climate change without adaptation is projected to negatively impact production for local temperature increases of 2°C or more above late-20th century levels, although individual locations may benefit (medium confidence). Global temperature increases of ~4°C or more above late-20th century levels, combined with increasing food demand, would pose large risks to food security globally (high confidence),” said the panel.
“Rural areas are expected to experience major impacts on water availability and supply, food security, infrastructure, and agricultural incomes, including shifts in the production areas of food and non-food crops around the world (high confidence).”
The IPCC released a “synthesis report” in Copenhagen. Among its points were “warming impacts are already being seen around the globe,” including “poorer crop yields in many parts,” said the BBC.
Said the New York Times, “The report contained the group’s most explicit warning yet about the food supply, saying that climate change had already become a small drag on overall global production, and could become a far larger one if emissions continued unchecked. The report noted that in recent years the world’s food system had shown signs of instability, with sudden price increases leading to riots and, in a few cases, the collapse of governments.”
Climate change’s impact can be reduced through adaptation and mitigation, said IPCC. The BBC said the IPCC recommended renewable energy provide 80 percent of electric power by 2050, up frm its current 30 percent, to avoid dangerous climate change. It also said the use of fossil fuels at power plants should end by 2100 unless carbon capture and storage systems are employed.