Canadian province sticks to phase-down of neonic pesticides

The national pesticide regulator in Canada says neonicotinoid pesticides are largely safe for honeybees but the province of Ontario “is holding fast to stringent rules that restrict their use,” says the London Free Press. The province aims for an 80-percent reduction in use of the class of pesticides by 2017. The newspaper quoted a spokesman for Environment Minister Glen Murray as saying, “We are taking precautionary action to protect pollinators and are moving forward with a plan to reduce the use of ­neonicotinoid-treated seeds.” The provincial agriculture minister said farmers have access to neonic-coated seeds if they demonstrate a need for them.

The federal Pest Management Regulatory Agency says the pesticide-coated seeds pose a minimal risk to pollinators, while spraying the pesticide onto soil is problematic. Some environmental groups say neonics are a primary factor in dramatic declines in honeybee populations, along with parasites, poor nutrition and disease.

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