The Big Mac gets big and little brothers, for a few weeks at least

Fast-food giant McDonald’s, as part of updating its menu, will test smaller and bigger versions of its Big Mac across the nation in early 2017, says BuzzFeed. “Whether the new Macs are added permanently to the menu will depend on sales during the winter promotion.”

The new sandwiches were tested earlier this year in “beef-centric” Dallas and Ohio, McDonald’s chef Mike Haracz told BuzzFeed. “It was time to launch something like this.” The “Mac Jr.” has a single patty, weighing 2.6 ounces. The “Grand Mac” has two patties weighing a combined 5.3 ounces. The long-time Big Mac has two patties with a combined 3.2 ounces. The rest of the sandwich, as millions of people can recite from McDonald’s ads, is “special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame-seed bun.”

Haracz said in the Ohio and Dallas tests, the bigger and smaller Mac were about equally popular. He said consumer surveys inspired the foray into multiple sizing for the burger.

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