At the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade talks in Hawaii, “Canada has begun discussions with the United States on allowing more foreign dairy products into the Canadian market – among the thorniest issues for Ottawa” in the negotiations, says the Toronto Globe and Mail. “Sources familiar with the Trans-Pacific Partnership talks say Canada has yet to specify exactly what volume of dairy shipments it would allow into its heavily protected market, but the talks are ongoing.” International Trade Minister Ed Fast was to meet one on one with U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman.
The United States has insisted that Canada must open its heavily protected dairy and poultry markets. New Zealand, a major dairy exporter, also wants access to Canada. The Globe and Mail said beef, wheat and barley producers view TPP as a springboard to expand exports, which have grown tremendously in 10 years. “Japan, the third-largest economy in the world, is the big prize in the TPP talks because it has signed relatively few trade agreements and the market is still relatively untapped by foreign firms.”