The tiny Asian citrus psyllid, which spreads citrus greening disease, was identified for the first time in Monterey County, on California’s central coast, says AgNet West. California is the second-largest citrus state in the country and agricultural officials hope to avoid damage to the state’s groves.
Trees infected with the disease produce bitter, misshapen fruit and eventually die. So far, citrus greening has been restricted to residential areas of Los Angeles and Orange counties. The pysllid in Monterey County was found in a trap in a residential part of Salinas. Agricultural officials said more traps will be deployed and Salinas would be part of a quarantine area intended to prevent spread of the pest. There are 1,300 acres of commercial lemon orchards in Monterey County.
First detected in 2005 in Florida, citrus greening disease reduced Florida’s orange production by more than 40 percent by 2014, says the University of Florida. The Sunshine State remains the top orange producer. California is the leader in lemons, tangerines and mandarins and second to Florida in oranges and grapefruit.