Apples from China, confidential GMO information

China would be allowed to ship apples to the United States under a regulation proposed by USDA’s Animal and Plant Inspection Service. In a Federal Register notice, APHIS set a 60-day comment period. The proposed rule sets out safeguards against introduction of pests. For example, fruit from areas with Oriental fruit fly infestation must be fumigated and refrigerated as well as inspected. To read the 20-page proposal, click here.

APHIS withdrew a proposed rule to allow it to share confidential business information (CBI) about genetically modified organisms with state and tribal regulators. APHIS said its review “determined that disclosure of CBI to state and tribal regulatory officials may constitute a waiver” of a Freedom of Information exemption from releasing the material to the public. In the 2013 proposal, APHIS “proposed to share certain CBI contained in permit applications and notifications for importations, interstate movements, and releases into the environment of regulated genetically engineered organisms.” To read the Federal Register notice, click here.

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