“Bacon Burger Blues” is a Politico story about the rising price this year of ingredients for the prototypical American cook-out entree. “Consumers can expect to pay about 32 cents more per burger than they did a year ago,” says the story, blaming “a perfect storm of drought, disease and strong demand.” USDA puts the price at $3.89, up 9 percent. With drought in California, tomatoes and lettuce could be next, says Politico.
“Can the U.S. eliminate invasive species by eating them?” asks an Associated Press story that notes lionfish was marketed successfully as a delicacy. Other invaders, such as Asian carp or feral hogs may be a more difficult target, says the story, which notes the mixed message of creating a market for food items when the goal is to eliminate them. Says one conservationist, eating the invasive species is not a silver bullet.