A farm school that emphasizes business acumen

“It’s no longer enough to know how to run a farm,” says Civil Eats in a story about the Grange Farm School in rural Mendocino County, California. “To be successful, farmers also need to learn how to run a business,” so there are classes on sales, marketing, accounting and regulation as well as instruction on welding, carpentry and engine repair. A small group of students lives, works and studies on the farm for up to three months at a time, writes Elizabeth Archer. “Studying on an actual farm means classroom lessons translate directly to real-life scenarios.” Ruthie King, the school’s director of operations, says that with the average age of U.S. farmers nearing 60, practical farming knowledge is being lost and the school “hopes to replenish our diminishing pool of responsible farmers.” The Grange school is accredited through Mendocino College.

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